"Commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." Deuteronomy 11:18-20

This blog is a reflection of our commitment to these to two great commissions.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Beauty in a Day

This week homeschooling has definitely had its highs and its lows. I never could have imagined that one week could contain so much drama. I'll share about the lows from a mother's heart in my next blog. Meanwhile, I want to share with you the highlights.

Our life in Costa Rica is very different than in Alaska, where friends and home schooling activities abound. Well, here, we are having to be very creative in our approach in keeping our children at home. One thing we have decided is that Papa takes the girls on an adventure discovering Costa Rica once a week or so. This gets the girls out of the house and gives Papa the opportunity to explore this beautiful country.

One of the most amazing aspects of the CR is the large number of volcanoes. No matter what road you are on you will see signs to a volcano here or there. So this week Steve took the girls to Vulcan Irazu. Instead of me telling the story I will let them. Enjoy!

Abigail Gilroy - Flying High
One day i went to a Volcano. My Dad took me and my two sisters with him. it was cold but i am use to it. I took Lot's of photo's.I put my arm's out to feel the nice cool air. I felt like i was flying. The journey to get there was beautiful. And we stopped a Lot to take photos. But Graci had a lot of stomach ace's that was to bad. The craeter of the Volcano  was so cool. But there wasn't any green water in the middle of it. The thing i didn't like is i got hurt. But then i got better and then i played a little. And there was a fence so then people wouldn't fall into the craeter well the (cliff) . way behind the fence like one colomitor away there is a cliff and its really high up. Some people are up on top of the cliff.any way all of us walked a long way. then we left and ate lunch at taco bell. the End
(I considered correcting all the mistakes, but then you might not enjoy it as much. I think the rule of capitalization gets lost in Abi's typing effort. I typed in Gabi's below.)

Gabriella Gilroy -  My Volcano Trip
My dad every once in a while takes me and my sisters on a daddy-date. So this time he took us to an volcano! It was really cold so we stopped by a little restaurant and there were lots of humming birds. They were so beautiful. When we were all done taking a rest we headed off to the volcano. We saw a really weird animal.
So after that we started walking down the trail and we saw three craters. It was really cool. Daddy let me take lots of photos with him camera. Abi took lots of photos, too. There were people on the top of the tower upon the mountain. And that is my trip to the volcano.

You can read Grace's posting on her blog. She has more photos as well. Many of these photos were taken by the girls.


This was a glorious day for the girls as well as their father. Costa Rica is so very rich in natural beauty and diversity. We feel so blessed that God has called us here. However, beneath all this splendor are some very harsh realities. I will share those in my next post. We count every day a gift! So glad we could share this one with you!


  1. Love it - what a way to homeschool!! Your girls are blessed.

  2. What a beautiful day enjoying God's creation!
